The production of this CD was funded by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and is freely available for use and reproduction for non-profit purposes. However, we ask that any information or photographs reproduced from this CD be credited to the author or photographers where noted, otherwise to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
This project is the brainchild of Andrea Pickart, Ecologist at the Lanphere Dunes Unit of the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Additional support was provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Barry Klein designed the browser-assisted guide. Photographs were generously contributed by Andrea Pickart, Dr. Michael Mesler, Rob Irwin, Brian Basor, David L. Green (, and Dexter Sear, IO Vision ( Many thanks also to Anthony Baker who assisted me in photographing pinned specimens. This CD is based on my own field experience, and background information from David Gordon's thesis (Humboldt State University, 1984).