A Pictorial Guide to Bees
of the
Humboldt Bay Dunes
by Susan E. Nyoka
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge

RELEASE 1.0 - July 2004
How to Recognize a Bee
View Individual Bee Species
Acknowledgments and Reproductions

Coastal dune systems encompass a wide array of vegetation types, including the herbaceous community commonly known as dune mat. This association of low-growing native plants dominates the nearshore dune ridges and provides a stunning floral display from the blooming of beach pea (Lathyrus littoralis) in April, through September, when dune goldenrod (Solidago spathulata ssp. spathulata) is abundant.

Bees pollinate many dune plants as they travel from flower to flower, gathering pollen and nectar to feed themselves and their offspring, but the careful observer may also come upon bees engaged in many other interesting activities, including mating, gathering nest materials, patrolling for mates, and digging nests. Approximately 40 species occur in the Humboldt Bay Dunes, some of which are unique to coastal dunes. This CD is designed as a pictorial guide to the more abundant species, which are most likely to be observed. Information on bee biology and anatomy is included, in addition to key characteristics of individual species, their favored forage plants, nesting habits, and behavior.