A Pictorial Guide to Bees
of the
Humboldt Bay Dunes
by Susan E. Nyoka
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge

RELEASE 1.0 - July 2004
View Individual Bee Species
Bee Anatomy Honey Bees Bumble Bees Solitary Bees Cleptoparasites

Wasps and flies are common flower visitors that can easily be mistaken for bees. Some flies are bee mimics, with abundant pile ("fur") or body markings similar to bees occurring in the same habitat. However, one glance at the head of one of these imposters will easily distinguish a fly from a bee. All flies sport short, stubby antennae, while the antennae of bees are notably long and slender. Another character that can be used to differentiate between flies and bees are the wings. Bees have two pairs of fully developed wings, while flies have only one. The hind wings in flies are inconspicuous knobbed structures used for balance.
© 2004, David L. Green, used with permission. Bee fly (Bombyliidae)
© 2004, David L. Green, used with permission.
bee fly (Bombyliidae)
flower fly (Syrphidae)
flower fly (Syrphidae)

Wasps have two pairs of fully developed wings and long antennae like bees, but are mostly hairless and carnivorous, preying on other insects to feed their young. In contrast, bees are hairy vegetarians, foraging solely on pollen and nectar to fulfill their nutritional needs.
© Dexter Sear, IO Vision paper. wasp, Vespidae
© Dexter Sear, IO Vision.
paper wasp (Vespidae)
male sweat bee (Lassioglossum pavonotum)
male sweat bee (Lassioglossum pavonotum)

Another way to distinguish bees from wasps is that female bees are equipped with pollen-carrying devices, a feature conspicuously absent on all wasps. Pollen is usually carried on the hind legs, but may also be carried on the underside of the abdomen.
female digger bee (Melissodes pallidisignata)
female digger bee (Melissodes pallidisignata)
female leaf-cutter bee (Megachile wheeleri)
female leaf-cutter bee (Megachile wheeleri)