A Pictorial Guide to Bees
of the Humboldt Bay Dunes by Susan E. Nyoka Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge RELEASE 1.0 - July 2004 |
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Solitary Bees
Solitary bees, as a group, are by far the most common bees in the dunes, and their lifestyle differs considerably from that of honey bees and bumble bees. Solitary bees have no central hive with stored resources or workers to help collect food and raise offspring. Instead, short-lived female bees work alone to dig nests, construct nest cells, and provision them with pollen and nectar. A single egg is deposited in each cell, where it develops, emerging as an adult the following year to begin the cycle again. Many species nest in the dunes, and a few are dependent on specific dune plants for pollen or nesting materials. Learn more about 7 common species: