A Pictorial Guide to Bees
of the Humboldt Bay Dunes by Susan E. Nyoka Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge RELEASE 1.0 - July 2004 |
Home How to Recognize a Bee
Some bees, referred to as cleptoparasites or "cuckoo bees" have given up the nesting habit and lay their eggs in the nests of other bees. The cuckoo female or her larvae destroy the larvae of the host bee, leaving the offspring of the intruder to mature in nests provisioned by the host bee. Since these bees don't collect pollen to feed their young, females have no pollen-collectors on their body. Though uncommon, they are most easily spotted while searching for host nest sites, close to ground level in a "waggling" flight pattern. Both sexes are wasp-like in appearance, with sparse or inconspicuous pile. [Learn More]