A Pictorial Guide to Bees
of the
Humboldt Bay Dunes
by Susan E. Nyoka
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge

RELEASE 1.0 - July 2004
How to Recognize a Bee
Bee Anatomy Honey Bees Bumble Bees Solitary Bees Cleptoparasites

Common Name: Honey bee
Scientific Name: Apis mellifera

Recognition characters: Mid-sized (12-15 mm), with an elongate body; thorax with tan/gray pile, abdomen with alternating black and tan or honey-colored bands; females carry pollen in corbiculae, shiny concave areas on the outer hind leg, fringed by long stiff hairs.

Preferred flowers:
Most abundant on the dominant flowering plant of the season.

beach buckwheat, Eriogonum latifolium
beach buckwheat (Eriogonum latifolium)

European sea rocket, Cakile maritima
European sea rocket (Cakile maritima)

dune goldenrod, Solidago spathulata ssp. spathulata
dune goldenrod (Solidago spathulata ssp. spathulata)